Hip Pain

How Physical Therapy is Transforming Life for Adults with Osteoarthritis

If you or someone you love is dealing with achy, stiff joints, you’re not alone. We’re talking about osteoarthritis today – that pesky condition that makes your knees creak and your fingers feel like they’re staging a rebellion. But don’t worry, we’ve got some good news about how physical therapy is changing the game for […]

Written by on September 16, 2024

10 Reasons for Cash-Based Dance Medicine Physical Therapy

  What is dance medicine and how is it different from regular sports medicine? Dance medicine is a specialized field of medicine known as the field of dance medicine that focuses on the care and treatment of dancers. As performance athletes, dancers are prone to unique types of injuries, both acute and chronic. Dance medicine […]

Written by on January 8, 2024

Make a Plan to Return to Running

By Claire Nelson, PT, DPT, Aquacare – Berlin   Lacing up the sneakers and heading out to the trails for a run may be tempting, however if you have not been running in some time or if you are still recuperating from an injury, it is best to make a plan before impulsively jumping back […]

Written by on October 20, 2023

The Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

What is Aquatic Therapy? Aquatic therapy has been used for centuries as a vital part of medical treatment. Its benefits have been recognized since the days of the Greeks and Romans and continue to be praised today. Aquatic therapy provides benefits for a multitude of populations such as injured athletes, spine, arthritis, and fibromyalgia sufferers […]

Written by on September 12, 2023

Prevent pickleball injuries with physical therapy

By Cara Konlian, MSPT, CEO, Aquacare Physical Therapy   Are you a pickler? Picklers are people who play pickleball, named the fastest-growing sport in America three years in a row. People of all ages embrace pickleball because it is a fun fast-paced game that is competitive but also creates camaraderie among players. Any healthcare provider […]

Written by on August 17, 2023

IASTM & Physical Therapy: An Innovative Treatment Option

By Katie Oakley, PTA, Aquacare Physical Therapy – Salisbury ASTM is a form of manual therapy known as instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization. IASTM uses handheld instruments coupled with specialized forms of massage to help physical therapists identify areas of restrictions and break up scar tissue. When an injury occurs to soft tissue, scar tissue may […]

Written by on August 17, 2023