Physical therapy is often required and traditionally recommended after many surgical procedures to facilitate healing, decrease pain and regain function and ROM. Gender-affirming surgeries (GAS) should be no different. In addition, physical therapy is often required prior to (GAS) to allow for insurance reimbursement. At Aquacare/Fitness Forum, our pelvic floor team is here to guide you through the pre-and post-operative journey!
Trans Males
Physical therapy can assist in the rehabilitation of surgical procedures such as:
- Chest reconstruction or chest masculinization surgery.
- Hysterectomy with or without oophorectomy.
- Metoidioplasty.
- Phalloplasty.
Trans Females
Physical therapy can assist in the rehabilitation of surgical procedures such as
- Breast augmentation or feminizing augmentation mammoplasty.
- Vaginoplasty.
Pre-Surgical: Our focus will be the following:
- Provide pre-surgical assessment of genital surgery (requested by most surgeons) to evaluate tight musculature.
- Begin pelvic floor relaxation and facilitation exercises/techniques to optimize your surgery results.
- Educate you on the function of the bladder, bowel, and pelvic floor to prepare you for what to expect after surgery.
- Evaluate the function of your bladder, bowel, and pelvic floor before surgery to optimally prepare you for after-surgery.
Post-Surgery: After surgery our focus will be:
- Establishing a dilator routine post-vaginoplasty.
- Manual techniques and patient education on scar/muscle and connective tissue restrictions that can impact normal function.
- Decrease pain and support tissue healing.
- Assist in preventing post-operative complications.
- Help you to return smoothly to all functional activities including exercise, intimacy, and returning to a normal lifestyle.